Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Clubs: A Lolly Leopold Story

On the last Thursday of term, we read the book called Clubs written by Kate De Goldi. You can see more information about this book in our book shelf further down the page. It tells of the spreading craze at Lolly's school of creating and joining clubs. Lolly, however, does not approve and refuses to join any of them.

Pod 9 used this opportunity to develop their skills in using Kidspiration. They did not have much time to create a mind map the clubs that were mentioned in the book.

Click on the pictures to get a better look at them. The picture with the yellow background is not quite finished, but was made by Tia and Paige. Katie and Mary-Rose made the picture on the left, while Tayla made the green picture on her own.

I hope that you are all having a good holiday.
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Wednesday, July 1, 2009

More Sneetches Story Boards

Here are some more of the Story Boards that the class made in response to The Sneetches written by Dr Suess. We created these to help us in making summaries of stories that we read. Clicking on the pictures will make them larger so that they are easier to read.

Liam C. and Callum

Adam and Josh

Jayden and Jessica


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The Jousting Competition

Here is another story that appealed to the kids in Pod 9. This one was written by John. We hope you enjoy it.

The Jousting Competition

It was the day before the big jousting competition and Julia’s dad Lord Robert had gone to a battle. Julia really wanted to go to the jousting competition but she couldn’t because she was a girl, so she had to stay with Aunt Odellia for the day. But she and her friend Timothy had secretly made a plan which was to change places just before the competition started, so Julia would pretend to be Timothy and go to the jousting competition while Timothy would pretend to be Julia and stay with Aunt Odellia.

That night, there was a raging storm outside . No-one got a wink of sleep so on the next day, everyone was extremely tired. The jousting competition wasn’t called off so the knights were all very excited. Before the competition started, Julia and Timothy carefully swapped places so the judge wouldn’t take any notice.

Timothy sneaked off back to the castle but unfortunately, Aunt Odellia had noticed Julia’s suspicious absence so she shouted at Timothy, “Where is Julia?” "I ... Er don’t know" lied Timothy. "She should be back in a few minutes" he added hastily. Aunt Odellia gave her a are-you-sure look so Timothy crept to Julia’s room.

Meanwhile Julia was facing a young unexperienced knight that was quite clumsy. He knocked himself out when he accidentally threw a large rock at his face. Julia had easily made it into the final but her last opponent was the former champion. The jousting went on for ages and her strong opponent took many powerful swings but lost his balance on his last swing and fell onto the floor with a clunk and got squashed like a tomato by his tough horse when it landed on him. The crowd cheered as Timothy - well Julia pretending to be Timothy was crowned the champion.

The End
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