Friday, October 17, 2008

World of Maths

Today Pod 9, along with Pod 7, were able to participate in a World of Maths workshop. In groups of three, students move around different activities and using their mathematical abilities, solve the various problems. There was a wide range of activities that required different skills that many students did not even realise that they had. Here are a few photos of students at work. For the Pod 9 students reading this, leave a comment explaining what activities you liked and why. Would you recommend other students attend World of Maths? Why/Why not??

Here Matthew is putting together a 3D jigsaw puzzle. How did you get on Matthew?

Hayley, Victoria and Caitlin are thinking interdependently to build bridges between islands. Not as easy as it sounds. Did your little man get eaten by a crocodile?

Jayd, Jayden M. and Julian are working out where the pirates have hidden the key and their treasure. Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr..........

Latrell, Brodie and Ngahere are navigating their way through a maze. "Where's the maths?!?" I hear you ask. You have to measure the distance between the 'posts' to work out which way to go.

Cheyenne, Jayden H. and Jessica are working out some area problems, and deciding if this 'building' meets the council bylaws. Is there going to be a demolition, or can we move the furniture in?


Anonymous said...

You guys sounded like you had fun I wish I was there to do it.

Anonymous said...

Cool As Bro!

Anonymous said...